Natural Age Spot Removers
Natural age spot removers are available in creams, lotions and various herbal mixtures. Aloe Vera applied directly onto your age spots will help heal the discoloration of your skin. One teaspoon of onion juice and two teaspoons of vinegar mixed together and applied on the brown spots everyday will reduce and eventually eliminate the age spots.
Simple solutions include mixing four tablespoons of sea salt in eight ounces of water and mixing until the sea salt is mostly dissolved. Soaking a washcloth in this solution and applying directly onto your age spots on a daily basis will help resurface your skin and remove the spots.
Time Frame
The amount of time it will take for your age spots to be removed by using natural remedies will be determined by what type of remedy you use. For creams and lotions, expect to wait two months before dramatic and visible results appear. Manufactured natural remedies for age spots, such as the BioSkinCare product line, can yield results within three weeks of recommended use.
Natural age spot removers do not carry as many negative side-effects as synthetic and harsh chemical peels would. Slight skin irritation can occur if you have sensitive skin, yet this can be avoided by undergoing treatments that use soft and gentle ingredients, such as Aloe Vera and sea salt remedies.
Our skin absorbs chemicals and other ingredients we place on it. By using synthetic age spot removers, your skin is absorbing substances that may not be healthy for long term use. Natural age spot removers do not include ingredients that can be potentially harmful or which can cause extreme skin irritation. Natural treatments usually contain herbs and minerals that will aid in repairing other skin damage.
Safely removing age spots through natural remedies is ideal for individuals who are sensitive to chemicals or who are living an all-natural life. By not introducing synthetic chemicals into your body through your skin, you will not have to worry about unwanted side-effects, such as chemically-burned skin or an allergic-reaction. Natural age spot removers are the safest way to bring youth and vitality to your skin.