Natural Anti-Inflamatory Medicine
Inflammation can have internal or external causes. Internal sources of inflammation can be infections, allergies, inflammatory bowel problems, arthritis, or autoimmune disease to name a few. Externally, allergic reactions such as hives or inflammation from injuries are common causes of inflammation. Some causes of inflammation, particularly internal causes, can be chronic. Research continues into the effects of inflammation in the aging process and in healthy brain function. There are many natural anti-inflammatory herbs, foods and oils that have medicinal purposes.
For internal causes of inflammation, an anti-inflammatory diet such as promoted by Dr. Andrew Weil and others recommend foods that are high in nutrients that counter inflammation and don mot cause inflammation that leads to ill health of many sorts. Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids, in supplement form, provide anti-inflammatory help. Anti-inflammatory vitamins and botanicals also offer relief from inflammation. For external sources of inflammation, injuries, for example, the tried and true rotation of heat and cold to an affected area works well.
A group of foods known as "super foods" are considered the best sources of anti-inflammatory agents. Extra-virgin olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Many nutritionists advise using extra-virgin olive oil for cooking, salad dressings and as a butter substitute. Blueberries and spinach contain high amounts of flavonoids, which reduce inflammation and are anti-oxidants. Ginger, turmeric, evening primrose, and autumn saffron are known anti-inflammatory herbal remedies. Fresh pineapple and papaya with their respective enzymes, bromelain and papain can reduce pain and swelling in a few days when consumed daily. Wild salmon and fresh water herring and mackerel also act as anti-inflammatory agents.
Natural anti-inflammatory foods, herbs and spices offer an alternative to NSAID drugs that are prescribed and sold over the counter. Natural remedies offer long term healthful effects and are not toxins. NSAID's act quickly, but that speedy relief has a price. NSAID's put toxins in the body. Along with shorter-term anti-inflammatory benefit, the natural approach is an overall healthy lifestyle alternative. When one moves away from processed foods, refined sugars and simple carbohydrates in favor of super foods, one's chances for a healthier and longer life dramatically increase. Natural anti-inflammatory alternatives are medicinal, certainly, but they are more than that.
There is subtle, yet important psychological advantage to natural remedies for inflammation. When taking pharmaceutical medicines, there is a sense of being at the mercy of the drug. Additionally, there is a feeling of being trapped by one's ailments--a feeling that can border on hopelessness Lack of hope, depression causes more physical illness. These disturbing experiences can be allayed with natural alternatives. When a person decides to alter her eating habits and make other healthful lifestyle changes, when those modifications provide relief, she is empowered. Hope can be restored. Wellness is possible.