About Herbal Hair Regrowth

Many men and women suffer from receding hairlines or all-out baldness. If you don't want to go through invasive and expensive surgery options or take prescription drugs, you can try any of the huge number of herbal remedies available on the market that attempt to stimulate hair regrowth through natural means. Although the effects of herbal remedies have not been conclusively proven, there are many testimonials that indicate that at least some people experience success with them.
  1. Function

    • There are many herbal remedies touted by a variety of websites, herb companies and health food stores that purportedly can stimulate the re-growth of hair in balding men and women. The different herbs involved with the remedies are offered as an alternative to using wigs, getting laser treatment or a hair transplant, or taking prescription medication approved by the FDA.


    • Herbal hair re-growth remedies generally attempt to increase the flow of blood to the scalp area in an effort to increase the chance of hair growing. Some also block an enzyme called Dihydrotestosterone, which has been proven to cause baldness in men, from working properly.


    • The most commonly used herb is Seranoa Repens, a substance extracted from the Saw Palmetto berry and used in many prescription medications. Other common remedies include the Chinese herb Polygonum Multiflorum, Ginkgo Biloba and even green tea.


    • The effects of herbal hair re-growth remedies vary widely among gender, age, type of herb used and the dosage taken. Many people experience absolutely no change in the amount of hair when using any of the most common herbal remedies. Some people re-grow their hair but the rate of growth and amount of hair grown also varies from person to person.


    • None of the herbal hair remedies in common circulation have been tested or approved by the FDA, so their effectiveness and safety cannot be assured. Several of the herbs used in the remedies are also known to cause allergic reactions in many people, so you should always check with your doctor before taking any of them.

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