How to Make Natural Remedies for Boils
Things You'll Need
- Onions
- Juicer
- Bitter gourd juice
- Lime juice
- Milk cream
- Vinegar
- Turmeric powder
- Water
- Linen cloth
- Parsley leaves
- Cotton pads
- Small container (bowl)
Juice 2 tbsp. of raw onion juice directly from an onion. Soak a cotton pad in the onion juice and apply directly to the boil until it is completely saturated. Wait 30 minutes before washing off the onion juice with lukewarm water.
Fill a small container, or bowl, with 1 cup of bitter gourd juice and then add 1 tsp. of lime juice. Mix this solution, and then consume this mixture every morning on an empty stomach for 2 months. This will rid the infection from your body and keep further boils from forming.
Mix 1/2 a tsp. of vinegar, 1 tsp. of milk cream and 1/2 a tsp. of turmeric powder in a bowl. Mix these ingredients together and apply this solution directly to your boil with a cotton pad. This treatment works best with boils that are filled with blood, not just pus. Apply on a daily basis until the boil is completely gone.
Boil 8 oz. of water, and once the water begins to bubble add four fresh parsley leaves. Cover the container, and allow it to steep for 10 minutes. When the parsley leaves are soft and flaccid, allow the leaves to cool off. Place the steeped parsley leaves in a linen cloth and apply them directly over the boil for 20 minutes. Repeat this process three times per week until the boil has disappeared.
Boil 5 oz. of water and allow the water to cool off so that it is at a bearable temperature. Take a linen cloth and soak it in the water. Apply the drenched linen cloth directly on your boil, re-soaking it in the water when it begins to cool. Leave on the boil for 30 minutes. Repeat this step every day to relieve the pain and severity of the boil.
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