How to control your High Blood pressure Naturally

The Silent Killer is what High Blood Pressure is considered. The waring signs
of advanced High Blood Pressure, are Headaches, dizziness, sweating and shortness of breath. But There are no symptoms until complications develop.
Having a disciplined healthy diet and excercise makes it possible to Keep your High Blood pressure under control. There are also a number of supplements and Herbs that are beneficial in controlling High Blood Pressure.

Things You'll Need

  • Blood pressure monitoring device.
  • Plenty of fruits and vegtables such as apples, broccoli, garlic,melons, grapefruit,and green leafy vegetables
  • Plenty of grains like, oats, brown rice and buckwheat.
  • Fresh juices ,such as apple, carrot beets, and celeryy juice
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      RECCOMMENDATIONS: Follow a ridged salt free diet. Most of the foods we consume, already have salt in them. If you think you can't go without salting your food, believe me it gets easier, your taste buds will become accustom to the lesser salted foods. High fiber foods and fiber supplements are also helpful.

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      SUPPLEMENTS: 1.Calcium and magnesium (deficiencies have been linked to HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. 2. Vitamin E Improves heart function. 3.Garlic lowers Blood Pressure. HERBS: Use rosemary, parsley and fennel.
      Get plenty of sleep and maintain your weight. Exercise and deep breathing techniques are beneficial.

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      REDUCE FROM YOUR DIET: Caffeine, smoking, alcohol. All animal fats, aged cheeses, soy sauce and all processed foods.

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