Side Effects of Yohimbe
The Food and Drug Administration has issued a series of warnings regarding nutritional supplements, including yohimbe. This came about after reports of renal failure and seizures in people taking yohimbe supplements. A current investigation is looking into other side effects of the product, such as anxiety or panic attacks, paralysis, hallucinations, high blood pressure and even psychosis. Cases of death linked to overdoses of yohimbe have also been reported.
Yohimbe is especially dangerous for people who suffer from diabetes, heart conditions, liver or kidney disease, psychological disorders or glaucoma. Because yohimbe affects the nervous system directly, it should be avoided by anybody with severe anxiety or a history of depression or maniac episodes.
Certain products increase the side effects of yohimbe. These include foods that contain high amounts of tyramine, such as cheese, wine, cured meats, avocado, eggplant and soy. Because yohimbe is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, combining it with any of the foods mentioned before can result in a sharp rise in blood pressure or an inability to process tyramines. On the other hand, yohimbe can also lower blood pressure drastically in those predisposed to it, as the bark has a direct effect on blood vessels.
One of the major problems with yohimbe is that the line dividing an "effective dose" from a "dangerous dose" is very small. In fact, there are only micrograms of difference between the two, which is why people are likely to overdose and risk serious side effects when self-medicating. Doctors, however, can legally prescribe yohimbine chloride, a derivative, to treat erectile dysfunction and female hyposexual disorder.
Yohimbe has problematic interactions with a number of prescription drugs. Any medication prescribed for psychological or mood disorders can cause a dangerous interaction, especially in the case of anti-depressants or amphetamines. Even over-the-counter medicines, like antihistamines, can cause a dangerous reaction when mixed with yohimbe. When yohimbe is prescribed, doctors even recommend giving up coffee and alcohol to avoid potentially serious side effects.