How to Prepare an Herbal Tea Infusion

An herbal tea infusion is one of the most common methods for preparing herbal remedies. An herbal infusion is a hot-water extract prepared from the leaves, flowers and stems of medicinal herbs, notes Michael Castleman in his book "The Healing Herbs." As an herbal remedy, it can be drunk as a medicinal tea, or used as a therapeutic wash, soak, poultice or compress.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 oz. dried herb (25g)
  • 1 quart water
  • Saucepan
  • Tea infuser (optional)
  • Tea strainer or muslin cloth
  • Honey or stevia (optional)
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    • 1
      Double the amount of herbs if you use fresh instead of dried herbs.

      Measure out 1 oz. of the dried herb of your choice into a warmed teapot or pitcher. If you are using fresh herbs, then measure out double the amount, recommends Joyce A. Wardwell in "The Home Herbal Remedy Book."

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      Use a glass, enamel or clay utensil to brew your herbal tea infusion in.

      Bring the water to a boil in the saucepan or kettle, and then pour it over the herbs. Cover and let the herbs steep for 10 to 20 minutes.

    • 3
      Use a tea strainer or muslin cloth to strain your tea infusion.

      Strain the herbal infusion with a tea strainer or muslin cloth and discard the herb material. This formulation yields about three cups of herbal tea.

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      Sweeten your herbal infusion with a natural sweetener such as honey or stevia if desired. Alternatively, blend the tea with fruit juice or lemon.

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      Sip on one to three cups of herbal tea a day. Wardwell recommends sipping small, frequent cups of your herbal tea infusion all day long rather than gulping down each batch.

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      Keep in mind that herbal infusions do not have a long shelf life, so you should brew the tea as needed and refrigerate any leftover amount.

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