What Herbs Build the Immune System?
It is important to understand the physical makeup of herbs to fully take advantage of their ability to heal. Some herbs have stems, roots and blooms. In plants such as astragalus, the root contains the nutrients that heal the body's skin, lungs and heart. Failure to maximize the plant at the root will decrease its ability to build the immune system.
There are many studies on herbs and their power to heal. Like all good things, however, too much of a particular herb may lead to toxicity. Hyssop, for example, dates back hundreds of years. It is often administered as a tea and aids in fighting off viruses that affect the immune system, including HIV. Some studies have shown hyssop to cause toxic reactions if used in excess. To avoid the toxic effect of herbs such as hyssop, don't use them as oils or butters.
Herbs that aid the immune system do so by increasing the body's ability to ward of viruses and increasing breathing ability. St. John's wort, for example, is an anti-inflammatory agent and is also good to decrease ulcers. Sage helps with respiratory illnesses and sore throats. Sage is also considered to be an anti-aging herb that fights diseases such as Alzheimer's. Because age has a profound affect on the immune system, sage is a very crucial herb.
Herbs such as garlic increase blood flow and aids the body against autoimmune diseases, including diabetes. Garlic also helps the body fight the flu and herpes. Honey is considered to be nature's antibiotic and promotes healing throughout the body. Burn patients and those dealing with ulcers find relief with honey. Moderate daily doses of honey have great healing power.
Expert Insight
It is important for individuals to be knowledgeable about herbs. Because reactions to herbs can be contingent upon individual immune system strength and existing conditions, it is important to work with an herbalist and a personal physician when making decisions about herbs. Never discontinue prescribed drugs for an herb substitute without first consulting with the prescribing physician.