How to Treat Jaundice With Natural Remedies

Jaundice is the condition in which the skin and eyes turn yellow due to a higher-than-normal level of bilirubin. Jaundice is one of the most common types of liver disorder, and can be caused by many different conditions and diseases. Several natural remedies will help treat this liver disorder. (Of course, if you have been diagnosed with or even think you have jaundice, consult your physician on a regular basis.)

Things You'll Need

  • Banana Honey Lime juice Carrot suice Beetroot juice Lemon Oregano
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      Mix1 tbsp. of honey with one banana until they form a paste. Consume this paste two times a day to help treat jaundice.

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      Mix 4 tbsp. of lime juice with 8 oz. of water and drink this mixture once daily. Lime juice has been shown to be beneficial when treating liver disorders, especially jaundice. Consume this mixture on a daily basis until the condition has been neutralized.

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      Cut a whole lemon in half and juice one of the lemon halves into a glass. Add 1/2 cup of beetroot juice to the glass and mix for several minutes. Drink this mixture on a daily basis to help flush out your liver and treat the symptoms of jaundice.

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      Boil 8 oz. of water. When the water is at a boil, add 10 lemon leaves. Cover the water and let steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Drain the leaves out of the water and drink this mixture on a daily basis for a full week to treat jaundice.

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      Drink 4 oz. of carrot juice every morning or evening to help clean your liver and repair any damage that has been done. Continue drinking carrot juice every day until the jaundice has disappeared.

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