Benefits of Male Enhancement Pills Fact Sheet
Herbal- These natural male enhancement products are made with certain herbs such as maca, horny goat weed, catuaba, ginseng and gingko biloba, as well as vitamins like zinc.
Patches- Natural male enhancement patches are used to deliver herbs into the blood stream through the skin.
Creams- A topical cream delivers herbs into the blood stream when it is applied directly to the skin.
Some herbs found in the natural male enhancement pills and patches have been seen to have interactions with certain prescription drugs.
It is not safe to take these herbs with other prescrption drugs such as Viagra.
While many companies claim that their natural male enhancement products can help a man to gain inches, width, stamina and other things there are no actual studies to prove that these pills even work to help a man's penis grow.
Men have reported through testimonials that the pills make their penis larger, but there is no scientific confirmation of this.
The only thing that has been shown to be true is how these pills offer health benefits while also increasing libido, improved circulation, sharper mind and better muscle health.
There was a report found in the "Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy" that showed "men who took 15 mg of yohimbe per day showed a slight increase in blood flow."
Time Frame
The natural male enhancement patch and pills claim to work within 1 to 8 weeks on average.
Some companies say that natural male enhancement products increase sperm count and motility. Many reports have been made but there are no actual scientific studies to back up these claims.
It is also said that these male enhancement products cause a man to grow a larger penis. While some claims have been made, yet again there are no studies or real proof to back up these claims.
Other companies have suggested that their product helps a man to maintain an erection for an extended period of time. Again there are no studies to confirm this claim.
History of
The herbs used in the male enhancement products have been around for thousands of years. They do offer many health benefits, especially when it comes to improving your circulation.
Many of the herbs used in these products like ginkgo, ginseng, and maca have been found all over the world in countries as far apart as China and France.