Treat Migraines With Natural Progesterone
Consult with your physician if you are considering using a natural progesterone product that does not require a prescription. You can consult with the physician who treats your migraines or with your gynecologist.
Write down times when you experience your migraine headaches. The time of the month when you have migraines affects how you should treat your migraines with natural progesterone cream. Determine whether your migraines are prevalent around your time of ovulation or if they accompany your other PMS symptoms.
Use natural progesterone cream for migraines related to ovulation by using cream on the 2 days prior to the expected day of ovulation. For most women, this means applying the cream around day 12 of the menstrual cycle. The progesterone cream should be put into use for the last 14 days of your cycle if your migraines appear to coincide with PMS symptoms.
Eliminate as many xenoestrogens as possible from your life after determining the pattern of your migraines and the best course of natural progesterone treatment. Xenoestrogens are chemicals that can enter your body from a variety of sources including the foods you eat and the air you breath (see Resources). Your body reacts to these components as if they are estrogens. If you begin taking natural progesterone before doing this, you can experience an increase in your headaches. In fact, exposure to too many of these non natural substances can negate any positive results you would see from using natural progesterone. Xenoestrogens are found in meat products in which animals were given estrogen containing elements to increase size. Another common source of these chemicals is in oral contraceptives.
Read all instructions carefully before using the natural progesterone product. If you purchase the natural progesterone products from a health store or alternative therapies store, discuss the product with the health experts employed at the store.
Talk to your physician about natural progesterone options. Natural progesterone is available in forms other than creams. For example, there are pill forms of this hormone. If you have been trying natural progesterone without results, talk to your doctor about trying a prescription dose of natural progesterone.