Will Drinking Aloe Vera Juice Get Rid of Acne Scars & Stretch Marks?

The jury is still out on whether drinking Aloe Vera juice or using products with Aloe Extract in them will actually get rid of or treat acne and stretch marks, but there are still benefits to the compounds found in the plant. This article outlines a treatment regime that may not completely remove acne scars and stretch marks, but it will at least make your skin younger and firmer looking while helping to prevent future breakouts.

Things You'll Need

  • Aloe Vera juice
  • Face wash with Aloe extract
  • Lotion and face cream with Aloe extract
  • Aloe plant
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      Drink Aloe Vera juice at least twice a day. The juice contains natural antioxidants and nutrients that your skin uses to rebuild itself, making scars and imperfections less perceptible.

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      Every morning and each night wash with a scrub or soap that contains the extract from Aloe Vera.

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      Apply lotion and face cream following washing and reapply as often as needed througout the day.

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      Finally, keep an Aloe Vera plant around the house and when a breakout or imperfection occurs, break off a small stem and place the Aloe sap directly onto your skin. This is said to allow more of the natural oil soak into your skin.

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