How to Use Natural Remedies to Treat Cirrhosis of the Liver

Cirrhosis of the liver is characterized by the unnatural function of this vital organ. With cirrhosis, the liver begins to form scar tissue from damage that is caused by inflammation and dying liver cells. This condition can be treated through numerous medical treatments; however, there are also several natural remedies that reduce the severity and costliness of this disease.

Things You'll Need

  • Glucose
  • Raw orange juice
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt
  • Sacred Fig leaves
  • Water
  • White radish leaves
  • Sugar
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      Pour 1 teaspoon of liquid glucose it into a glass. Fill the rest of the glass with water and stir the mixture for several minutes. Consume three times a day. The best way to adequately drink this mixture is to have a glass in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night.

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      Juice two oranges and pour juice into a small glass. Drink this fresh orange juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Repeat every morning for one full week. The enzymes and vitamins in freshly squeezed orange juice help repair the damage that has been done to your liver.

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      Take one full lemon and squeeze all of the juice out of it into a glass. In the same glass, pour a minimum of 100 ml of water and mix the ingredients. Add a small amount of salt and drink this mixture three times a day for an entire month. The lemon juice aids in flushing out your liver.

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      Wash four Sacred Fig leaves thoroughly. Mash them with any type of sugar candy. Fill a medium-sized glass with water and pour the smashed fig leaves and sugar candy into the glass. Stir the mixture for several minutes and consume at least twice a day.

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      Mix several white radish leaves with a glass of chilled water. After you have mashed the leaves into the water, add a small amount of sugar for taste and mix for several minutes. With an empty stomach, consume this mixture every morning for as long as desired. This mixture benefits your liver by flushing out your system and providing you with essential vitamins and minerals.

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