Juices to Boost the Immune System
Common Fruit Juices to Boost the Immune System
Choose apricots to boost the immune system. Apricots are a tasty fruit eaten raw or as a juice. They are known for their antioxidant properties and contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Besides boosting the immune system, the nutrients of an apricot also contribute overall to the health and protection of the heart and eyes.
Try cranberries for an immune boosting power juice. Besides the benefits to the immune system, cranberries help the urinary tract system and can lower the risk of heart disease. They make a delicious juice or can be dried and eaten as a snack or added to other foods. Cranberries are high in vitamin C and flavonoids, both powerful antioxidants.
Select bananas for a tasty immune boost. They are a great source of vitamin B-6 and vitamin C, known to boost the immune system. Bananas also provide fiber and energy and are also an excellent source of potassium and magnesium.
Eat kiwi to boost the immune system by providing generous amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A. Besides its antioxidant powers, it also protects cardiovascular health, provides dietary fiber and is high in potassium.
Mix up some pomegranate juice. Pomegranates are packed with powerful antioxidants that boost the immune system. Because pomegranate seeds are so small it is sometimes easier to purchase this juice from a retailer. Read the label to ensure you are getting 100% pomegranate juice.
Common Vegetable Juices to Boost the Immune System
Try beet juice for not only boosting the immune system, but for many other functions as well. The beet and its greens are excellent for juices and salads. They contains vitamin C, beta-carotene, carotenoids, calcium, sulfur, iron potassium choline and manganese. Beets also cleanse the blood, improve brain function, strengthen the liver and gallbladder, build blood corpuscles and cells and fight cancer. Beet juice is very concentrated and is best when diluted with carrot or apple juice.
Juice broccoli all year round. It is a very concentrated juice that needs to be mixed with a lighter juice such as carrot or apple. Broccoli boosts the immune system with vitamin B1, vitamin C, beta-carotene, protein, calcium, sulfur and potassium. It also helps reduce the risk of breast cancer in women.
Sip carrot juice for the sweet taste and its many healthful functions. Carrots contain vitamin C, including most of the B complex, iron, potassium, phosphorus and sodium. Carrots are an excellent base for vegetable juice, and its sweet flavor makes it acceptable to children. Besides boosting the immune system, carrots help liver function, alkalize the blood, soothe the nervous system and tone intestinal walls.
Sample sweet potatoes or yams to give your immune system a boost. They make a sweet, smooth juice and are an excellent base to any juice combination. Sweet potatoes are one of the greatest sources of beta-carotene, are rich in vitamin C, potassium, carbohydrates and calcium, and are a good source of fiber. Choose the darker colored yams for the highest vitamin content.