How to Match Emotions to Disease

Negative emotions and thoughts may cause disease. Many professionals in alternative medicine believe that every thought you have is imprinted on your cells and DNA. Disease can be a result of long lasting negative thoughts. Offspring can then produce the same or similar illness due to DNA transfer. Negative emotions such as stress, anger, anxiety or resentment, without realizing it, can cause the body to act in an unnatural way. Releasing negative emotions, or better yet finding resolution, over time, can improve or eliminate your disease.


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      Break the pattern of negative emotions. Sounds easy, but most of the time it is not easy to break bad habits and that’s exactly what negative thoughts and emotions are. Detrimental thought patterns, once realized, can be changed with much perseverance. Catch yourself every time a negative thought comes into your mind and turn it around with a positive phrase. Sometimes flower essences can help break through the negative pattern in your mind (see Resources).

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      Speak up for yourself. A sore throat could mean that you have swallowed anger over something or did not make a stand for yourself. Change the chatter in your head to, “I express myself without reservation at all times.”

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      Breathe deeply. Respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, colds, coughs and flu result from a fear to fill yourself with life. Say the affirmation, “I am safe to take life on fully. I love my life and it is always complete.”

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      Release your inflexibility. Contraction of Multiple Sclerosis and its symptoms can be eased with becoming more easy going as well as working at softening your heart. Repeat this phrase to yourself, “My compassion for others abounds. I love and live with others in a compromising manner.”

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      Express beauty. Warts are small expressions of hatred and ugliness. Let your wart be a first warning to what could escalate into a more serious condition. Become aware of your everyday negative thoughts and change them to, “I am the expression of beauty and love which spreads outwards in my life.”

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      Let go of what is eating at you. Cancer may be caused by a thought pattern of something eating at you on a long term basis. It might be grief, hatred towards someone or a guilty secret that you’ve carried. Say this affirmation, “I release myself and others of any wrongdoing. I replace all of my guilt with love for myself.”

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