How to Treat Gout With Herbs
Things You'll Need
- Bromelain
- Cherry extracts
- Vitamin C
- Quercitin
- Flaxseed oil
- Herbal tea
Reach for the herb Bromelain during any attack of pain caused by your gout suffering. While most sufferers have no idea when a painful case of gout will find them, some have had success in fighting it with this herbal supplement.
Make a combination of herbal supplements if your goal is to relieve long suffering pain and manage your gout. A great mixture is extracts of cherry, nettle and vitamin C. Taking this combination for the duration of your gout has been found helpful in easing the discomfort.
Combine your Bromelain with Quercitin. Taking a lower dosage of Bromelain with this other herb will help balance out long term care of the gout while stamping out temporary pain caused by flare-ups. Quercitin is known to lower the amount of uric acid in your body, which is a cause of gout pain.
Take flaxseed oil if your goal is to sooth the inflamed tissue in your skin. Flaxseed is a leukotrienes, which naturally finds this sore flesh and gives it relief by reducing the levels of inflammation.
Drink herbal teas with high levels of cat’s claw and devil’s claw for another effective method to reduce the long term pain associated with this condition. Simply having a glass of tea each day may help reduce the number of flare ups and also lower their intensity.