How to Treat Pre-Menstrual Bloating With Herbs
Things You'll Need
- 1 oz. of each of the following dried herbs:
- Chamomile
- Lemon balm
- Dandelion leaf and/or root
- Burdock
- Yellow dock
- Teaspoon
- Large cooking pot with a lid
- 2 quarts to 1 Gallon of distilled water
- Large fine mesh strainer
- One or more large containers
- Turbinado sugar (according to your taste)
Pour the distilled water into the large cooking pot and place it on the stove. Allow the water to reach a rolling boil. Turn off the stove, and remove the pot from the heat.
Add 1 tsp. of each herb to the hot water and cover with a lid. Let the herbs steep in the hot water for fifteen minutes.
Remove the lid from the pot. Strain out the herbs and store the infused liquid in the containers you have set aside. Discard the herbs.
Let the liquid cool for several minutes and sweeten it with the turbinado sugar.
Drink one to three cups of this herbal infusion every day in the two weeks prior to menstruation to relieve bloating and discomfort.