How to Make Lavender Oil
Things You'll Need
- Lavender: 8 tbsp. for each infusion (2 to 3 times)
- Olive oil, safflower oil, or sesame seed oil--14 ounces
- Large mouthed quart jar with tight lid or plastic wrap and elastic
- Muslin
- Glass mixing bowl
- Paper towels
- Dark bottle
Prepare the lavender. If you grew your own lavender, cut the flowers just before they are fully open. Pull off the flowers from the stems. Lay them out on a paper towel for a few hours to dry. Chop the flowers slightly. It doesn't have to be chopped finely. You will need 8 tbsp. of lavender for each infusion. It will take two to three times to infuse the flowers with the oil. If you bought the lavender, you probably purchased just the flowers and they will be dry and ready to chop.
Pour in the oil. Measure out 14 ounces of oil and pour into the wide mouth jar. Next add the 8 tbsp. of lavender and stir. Place a tight lid on the jar or place plastic over the top with an elastic band. Set in a sunny window for 48 hours. Shake every 12 hours.
Filter out the oil. After the 48 hours, remove the lid or plastic and place a piece of muslin over the jar. Strain the oil through the muslin into a glass bowl. When most of the oil is strained through, squeeze the muslin to release the rest of the oil.
Start over. Put the oil back into the wide mouthed jar and add another 8 tbsp. of lavender. Repeat the process for 48 hours and filter the oil through the muslin. Repeat the process again (if needed) until you get the scent you want which will probably take two to three times.
Pour the oil into a dark glass bottle. After the last straining, place the oil in a dark glass bottle with a good lid or cork. Keep the oil in a cool, dark place. It should stay fresh for six to twelve months.