How to Take Saw Palmetto Berry
Take saw palmetto extract for hair growth. Various manufacturers market the extract either in soft gels or in drops. Normally, one soft gel is taken daily between meals. Some health care professionals may recommend a different dosage, depending on your needs. The drops should be taken with water or juice.
Consider taking saw palmetto in tea form. It is available in 4-ounce bags. To make the tea, bring the water to a boil, put 1 teaspoon of lose tea for each cup of water in the pot. Put the lid on the pot, and allow it to steep for about 3 minutes. Pour into a cup and add sugar and milk if you like. Take at least one cup daily.
Choose to take the capsules for convenience. Simply take 1 or 2 capsules twice a day.
Apply the drops directly to the scalp to treat baldness. Squeeze about 10 drops on your scalp before going to bed and gently massage with your fingettips using small cirular motions.
Use saw palmetto berry in cream form. Put a small amount of cream on your fingertips and massage gently on your scalp for hair loss or on your face to treat acne.