How to Transplant Echinacea
Things You'll Need
- Shovel
- Echinacea plants
- Sunny Location
- Water
Transplant Echinacea in the spring. While other plants tolerate movement in late fall, Echinacea may not overwinter since its roots spread out under the surface of the soil and need warm weather to establish new growth.
Choose a good location for your Echinacea to grow. Since this plant reaches 4 to 5 feet in height, it performs best when located towards the back of the flower garden. Make sure to choose a spot with good drainage since Echinacea does not tolerate damp and soggy conditions and it need full sun to thrive.
Prepare the soil before transplanting. Loosen the dirt to a depth of at least 6 inches with a tiller or a spade. Break up any large dirt clods and remove weeds and bits of turf. The best way to prepare the soil is by alternately tilling and allowing the soil to dry before tilling again. Repeat this process two or three times to kill weeds. Resist using a chemical herbicide that may leave residues in the soil.
Dig up the existing Echinacea plant with a spade or shovel, taking care to leave as much soil as possible on the roots.
Make a hole the same size as the root ball in the new spot. Carefully place the Echinacea plant in the soil and pack the dirt around the base. Repeat this process if you have more plants. Space the individual plants at least a foot apart for thick foliage growth and up to two-feet apart to encourage abundant flower production.
Water your new Echinacea plants well for the first two weeks, taking care not to leave them standing in water. It’s better to sprinkle the Echinacea bed two or three times a day instead of saturating it once a day.