How to Make Echinacea Tincture
Things You'll Need
- 2 cups of good-quality vodka
- 2 cups of washed, chopped Echinacea root
- Large glass screw-top jar
- Pipette
- 12 1-oz. amber-colored glass dropper bottles
- Shrink bands
- Hairdryer
Dig echinacea roots up with a garden hand-fork making certain not to break the root. Store-bought Echinacea root can be washed, chopped and sorted until you have measured two cups of echinacea root.
Measure two cups of 100 proof (50% by volume) good-quality vodka to the two cups of washed and chopped echinacea root and mix together in a large glass screw-top jar.
Place jar in a cool dark place away from sunlight and shake daily for six weeks.
Strain the liquid from the roots after six weeks of extraction. Pour through two layers of cheesecloth into a sterilized glass jar. Discard the used roots.
Use the pipette to transfer fresh echinacea tincture into individual amber-colored dropper bottles. Cap tightly. Place a shrink band on the neck of each amber bottle and use the hairdryer to seal each one in a couple of seconds. This ensures that over time, the tincture is not tampered with in any way. Store bottled tincture in a cool dark cupboard.