How to Get Rid of Gas With Herbs
Things You'll Need
- Epazote herb
- Anise seeds
- Fennel leaves, seeds or any other parts
- Ginger root
- Spearmint leaves
- Peppermint oil
Be careful what you eat. Beans often cause gas in many people, so if you know you will be eating beans, prepare an herbal tea that reduces gas as described in Step 3.
Know if you cook your own dried beans, the addition of a Mexican herb called epazote is said to “de-gas” this legume when you eat it. Epazote is easy to grow in most climates, or you can purchase it dry at your natural foods store or online.
Use a combination of four carminative, or gas-busting, herbs in a pleasant-tasting tea to provide good relief from gas. Combine one teaspoonful of the following in one quart of water: anise seeds, fennel leaves, seeds or any other plant parts, ginger root and spearmint leaves. Boil your water and then add the first three herbs and simmer for five minutes in a covered pot. Turn off the heat and add the spearmint. Steep for 15 minutes and then enjoy one or more cups of tea until you feel relief.
Realize peppermint oil helps many people when they experience gas. Simply mix two or three drops of peppermint oil to one cup of hot water and drink this blend after a meal that might cause gas.