How to Eliminate Head Lice With Herbs
Things You'll Need
- Rosemary tea
- Tea tree oil
- Rosemary oil
- Almond or apricot oil
- Hot water and soap
To identify the presence of lice, check your scalp, or that of your child, for their eggs. Eggs are very small and can be various shades ranging from yellow to brown in color. You might think they are dandruff, but they don’t flake off as dandruff does.
Wash your hair with a strong tea made from rosemary leaves. To make rosemary tea, simply simmer about ¼ cup of dried or fresh rosemary leaves in four cups of water for 20 minutes.
For added effectiveness, combine about 20 drops of tea tree essential oil or rosemary oil with ¼ cup of vegetable oil such as almond or apricot. Apply this mixture to the scalp of the affected person and massage it in. Leave this on the head for one hour, and then shampoo thoroughly. The herbal oil and vegetable oil tend to smother the lice.
If you purchase a very fine-toothed comb, you can successfully remove many of the eggs. Destroy them in a jar filled with bleach or isopropyl alcohol. Continue doing this for about two weeks after every shampoo.
Wash all of the affected person’s clothes and bed linens in very hot soapy water as soon as you discover lice. Even stuffed animals can harbor lice, so get them dry cleaned or replace them with new ones.
Carpets in your home and even your vehicle can house lice, so vacuum thoroughly after you discover an infestation on any member of your family.
Do not allow children to share combs or brushes, even barrettes or other items that contact the scalp, such as towels, with other children.