How to Treat Mononucleosis with Herbs
Things You'll Need
- Herbal supplements (see steps)
- Herb guide
How to Treat Mononucleosis with Herbs
Keep your nutrients up. It is important to get enough food when you have mono, even if you've lost your appetite, which is common. Start by drinking pure fruit and vegetable juices and 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.
Take 2 tbs. of bee pollen granules when you wake each day. Bee pollen is a superfood that has powerful healing properties. It will help your immune system fight the mono virus and keep you energized. Bee pollen is also sold in liquid form, capsules, honey and paste, which all provide the same benefits. It is available in most health food stores.
Drink 1 or 2 cups of olive leaf extract tea with breakfast and lunch. Olive leaf extract acts as a natural antibiotic and will help your body fight your infection by attacking the virus, while keeping the rest of your immune system healthy. Olive leaf extract is sold in tea form at health food stores. It is also available in capsules, powder and as a liquid elixir, if you wish to take it in a form other than a tea.
Take 1000 mg of Vitamin C with your breakfast.
Drink 1 cup of milk thistle tea between breakfast and lunch. Milk thistle will help repair the tissues in your liver and spleen that may be damaged by mono. If you wish to sweeten your tea, add 1 tsp. of pure honey.
Take two red ginseng capsules twice a day with a meal (4 capsules total). Ginseng promotes strength, stamina and energy. It also helps oxidize your tissues. Ginseng also comes in tea form and in liquid, which can be diluted with water or placed under the tongue by the drop; capsules are most convenient.
Drink a 12-ounce glass of superfood liquid with dinner. There are many brands of superfood drink on the market, but Vital K by Futurebiotics is a popular one for helping to fight mononucleosis. It is rich in Vitamin K, potassium and magnesium. Vital K will help your heart, lungs and blood function properly while your other organs are taxed by the mono virus. Superfoods also keep your body full of much-needed electrolytes during periods of sickness.
Drink 1cup of chamomile tea before going to bed. You may be very tired, but your body may be tense during your bout with mono. Chamomile tea will help your mind and body relax for a good night's sleep.
Body Care and Exercise
Get as much sunlight as possible when you have mononucleosis. It is a good idea to wake early, even if you don't feel like it, and take a short walk outdoors.
Sit in a dry sauna for at least 20 minutes twice a week if one is available to you. If not, take a very hot bath for 20 minutes. After your bath, wrap yourself in a towel and fill two hot water bottles with hot water. Lie down on your bed and place the hot water bottles on your chest. Cover yourself from foot to neck with heavy blankets. Stay under the covers for 30 to 45 minutes. After 30 to 45 minutes, take a cold shower.
Stretch your muscles and joints before getting out of bed in the morning and before going to sleep at night. This will help you get moving, as mono often produces periods of stiffness and fatigue.