How to Treat Bronchitis Naturally
Indoor Air Quality. The first step is to understand indoor air quality. There is a wonderful book called, "How to Grow Fresh Air," by Dr. B.C. Wolverton. Dr. Wolverton studied indoor air quality for NASA in an effort to improve air quality for astronauts. The book explains, in detail, the causes of poor indoor air quality. It also explains how plants and trees clean the air. The book specifically defines which plants clean what indoor air pollutant. It is well worth your time.
Pollution. Reduce the number of products you use that contribute to poor indoor air quality. If you own perfumes, deodorants, colognes, detergents, cleaning products, soaps, or air fresheners with synthetic fragrances, replace them with unscented versions, or use products scented with essential oils. This is the most important step!
Humidity. Pay attention to the humidity in your home. If you live in a dry climate, or the humidity in your home drops below 40 in the winter, run a humidifier. Make sure you keep it very clean. Steam from a hot shower, or steam humidifier will make you breath easier immediately. You will see a noticeable difference in your daily, overall ability to breath if you pay close attention to humidity. You might consider a wall hygrometer for frequently used rooms, or a humidifier with a digital hygrometer.
Maximize the benefits of your humidifier. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the humidifier. Eucalyptus has a wonderful natural smell. If you have ever smelled Vics Vaporub, you've smelled eucalyptus with added, unwanted ingredients. If you have cool mist humidifier add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to the water. Both the essential oil and the hydrogen peroxide work to kill bacteria and thin mucus in your bronchial tubes.
Water. Make sure you are drinking enough water. As with most health conditions, ensuring you are drinking enough water and avoiding caffeine will help.
Spices. Very spicy foods such as cayenne pepper, salsa, and hot sauces, can help to clear sinuses and thin mucus.
Air Filter. Make sure you change the air filter on your central heating and cooling unit regularly. Consider a filter specially designed for trapping allergens and pollens if you suspect your bronchitis is triggered by allergies.