How to Cure Toenail Fungus With Vapor Rub
Things You'll Need
- White cotton socks, 1 pair
- Bandaid
- Q-tip
- Vick's Vapor Rub, jar
Wash your feet in the bathtub. Use warm to hot water so that the tough skin softens and it softens the cuticle of the nail. Soften the cuticle so that the medicated rub will be able to penetrate the nail bed and work its way around the nail.
Use a Q-tip to work the cuticle and push it back away from the nail. Take a bit of vapor rub on the end of the Q-tip and rub it into the cuticle. Work the vapor rub down into the space behind the cuticle and then up the sides of the nail. Pay special attention to the corners of the nail and then up under the nail as much as you can. Coat the nail itself in vapor rub well and massage it in with the Q-tip.
Place final coats of vapor rub over the nail, making sure it is down into the cuticle and wrap a Band-Aid around the toe. Don't wrap it so tight that you curtail the circulation but tight enough to stay put.
Put on a pair of white cotton socks or footies to keep your foot from getting the vapor rub on the sheets if the Band-Aid comes off during the night. Take the socks and Band-Aid off in the morning. Give the toe a good scrubbing and continue with your day. You will need to continue this treatment until the fungus is gone. You will start to see results in the color of the toenail in a few days.