How to Give a Milk Enema
Things You'll Need
- Towel
- 1 1/2 qt. warm water
- 16 oz. warm milk
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- Enema bag
- Water-based lubricant
Prepare the area where the enema will be administered. Lay out a towel on the bed or couch to help make the person receiving the enema comfortable.
Mix the milk enema solution. Add all the ingredients together and pour it into the enema bag or bucket.
Instruct the person taking the enema to lay down or get into a comfortable position to take the enema. Some of the most common positions are on the laying on their back, in the fetal position or kneeling on their hands and knees.
Lubricate the anus and rectum. Water-based lubricants are the best for enemas because petroleum enemas break down the plastic of the enema nozzles over time. Massage the rectum as you lubricate. This relaxes the body and allows easy insertion of the tube.
Insert the nozzle into the rectum and start the flow of the milk enema. Massage the abdomen of the enema receiver in a counter-clockwise direction as the enema flows in.
Stop the flow and allow the enema talker to change positions when their colon begins to cramp. Continue the flow when the cramp subsides.
Ask the enema taker to hold the enema in as long as possible. Ask him to make his way to the toilet and release the enema into the toilet. Instruct him to massage his abdomen in a clockwise motion while releasing the enema into the toilet.
Remove the nozzle and wash out the enema bag, hose and nozzle before storing. Clean the enema equipment with plain water or a 50/50 water-vinegar mix.