How to Benefit From Oregano
Things You'll Need
- Dried oregano
- Oregano oil
Benefit from oregano in cooking, as a tea or in oil form as it is a powerful antioxidant with anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that oregano has more antioxidant properties that potatoes, apples and even oranges, giving you more reason to consider this herb your all-time favorite spice.
Make a strong oregano tea and drink as much as possible to help combat food poisoning caused by the bacteria giardia. Giardia, a microscopic amoeba, is thought to be the most common cause for food poisoning and traveler's diarhea. Studies have shown that oregano is even more effective in treating giardia than the most commonly prescribed medications, and doesn't carry the expense or the side effects.
Use oregano in tea or oil form both internally and externally to combat bacterial infections. You can gargle tea for tooth or throat infections, wash the body with tea for skin infections or drink the tea for internal infections such as E.coli.
Enjoy the respiratory benefits of oregano, as it contains many components which are natural antihistamines and decongestants. Oregano oil can be massaged onto the chest or taken internally to help treat and prevent seasonal allergies, calm asthma and soothe a cough.
Place a drop of pure oregano oil on acne, insect bites, canker sores and warts to help kill fungus, virus and bacteria, treat and prevent infection, reduce swelling and itching and promote healing.
Take advantage of oregano's powerful anti-fungal properties and massage oregano oil into areas affected by athlete's foot, ringworm and even nail fungus. Apply the oil two or three times daily until the condition clears.
Drink as much oregano tea as you like to benefit from the calming properties it has on the body. Oregano tea can ease both constipation and diarrhea, helps to clear parasites from the body, reduces gas and indigestion and can even help to prevent bouts of heartburn.