How to Use Sarsaparilla
Apply a poultice made with ground sarsaparilla root and vinegar to create a soothing treatment for sores on the skin. The poultice is understood in folk medicine to be helpful with recurring conditions such as psoriasis, minor burns and even mosquito bites.
Soothe eyestrain with the use of sarsaparilla tea. Brew a tea from the leaves and roots of the plant, and soak a clean cotton cloth in the fusion. Allow to cool before application. Thirty minutes applied as a compress to the region of the eyes can help to ease the itching sensation that is often present with tired eyes.
Treat a cold with the use of sarsaparilla tea. Brew the tea using the root. Add a small amount of honey to help with cold symptoms such as runny nose, fevers, and sore throats.
Season meats, vegetables, and even breads with ground sarsaparilla root. Just as herbs such as ginger, cayenne, and cinnamon can enhance the flavor of many dishes, so can sarsaparilla.
Create a tasty beverage. Sarsaparilla has been used in both alcoholic beverages such as beers and homemade wine coolers, as well as an additive in soft drinks. The pleasant flavor of sarsaparilla often enhances the flavor of the other ingredients.
Use sarsaparilla as a means of obtaining necessary nutrients. Sarsaparilla is a good source of iron, and also includes moderate amounts of various B vitamins, potassium, and manganese. There are also trace amounts of such important vitamins as C, D, and A present in sarsaparilla.