How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Using Herbal Remedies
Things You'll Need
- Herbal tea formulated for stress and anxiety
- St. John's Wort; either liquid or pill form
- Peppermint leaves
- Meadowsweet
- Skullcap
Herbs that Will Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Try one of the herbal teas formulated to reduce stress. These teas usually contain St. John's Wort, chamomile, lemon balm, catnip, and other ingredients known for relaxing frayed nerves. On the box of most of these teas, recommendations suggest drinking it four or more times a day. If you only have occasional stress, sit down with a cup when the stress occurs. It should be enough to take off the edge. If your stress is more frequent or persistent, start by drinking a cup twice a day, once in the evening and once at night. If you notice it helping, you can increase the frequency or amount you drink.
Purchase St. John's Wort in pill or liquid form from your local health food store. Ask the experts in the store if you are uncertain which one to buy. Take it according to directions at least twice a day. This is the most popular of herbal stress and anxiety remedies and may, at least, "take the edge off" for most people.
Try a warm cup of infused peppermint leaves as a tea. Not only does it taste good and reduce your anxiety, it will also help settle your stomach.
Take meadowsweet if you have a headache caused by stress. You can infuse meadowsweet and drink it as a tea or you can purchase it in extract form.
To prevent panic attacks at night, try using skullcap. Once again, it can be drunk as a tea and sweetened to suit your taste.