How to Make Antifungal Salve
Things You'll Need
- Small saucepan
- Herbal oil (see recipe below)
- 1/8 oz. beeswax
- 1 tbsp. grapefruit seed extract
- 1 tbsp. tea tree oil
- Small, wide-mouth containers
- Slow cooker
- 1 cup dried plantain leaf
- 1/4 cup dried comfrey root
- 1 to 1 1/2 tbsp. dried goldenseal root
- About 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil (enough to fully cover the dry ingredients)
Antifungal Salve
Pour the herbal oil into a small saucepan. Add the beeswax, cooking and stirring over low heat until it melts.
Stir in the grape seed extract and tea tree oil.
Pour a small amount of salve into a cup, allow it to cool, and then check the consistency. If the salve is too thin, add a bit more beeswax. If it's too thick, add more herbal oil.
Pour the antifungal salve into wide-mouth containers and store them in a cool, dry place. Use the salve as needed.
Herbal Oil for Antifungal Salve
Place the dried plantain leaf, comfrey root, goldenseal root and olive oil in a slow cooker turned to the lowest setting.
Allow the herbal mixture to steep for 3 to 4 hours.
Strain the herbal oil into a glass jar or bottle.