How to Treat Arthritis With Feverfew

Arthritis is a chronic joint condition. It can be either inflammatory or sometimes more degenerative. One in five (over 21%) adults in the United States report having doctor diagnosed arthritis. By 2030, an estimated 67 million of Americans aged 18 years or older are projected to have doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Some of the most common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are swelling of the small joints, particularly the hands and feet and general joint pain, stiffness and tenderness. About a quarter of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers eventually get rheumatoid nodules during the later stage of the disease. These are hardened lumps which develop beneath the skin. If rheumatoid arthritis causes persistent joint inflammation, then it can destroy cartilage and bone integrity, most commonly in the feet and hands.

Things You'll Need

  • Feverfew
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  1. How to Treat Arthritis With Feverfew

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      Feverfew is a perennial herb with chrysanthemum like flowers that are headily scented. The herb is believed to benefit arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

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      Make a feverfew tea by boiling one teaspoon of dried herb in 1cup of water. Allow to steep for 10 minutes then strain and drink while warm. Add honey to sweeten.

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      A tincture is made, by filling a jar with the required amount of herb (200 grams of dried or 300 grams of fresh, chopped herbs to one liter of liquid is needed). Cover the leaves with a25% alcohol/water solution. Usually vodka is used or rum which will help to sweeten the taste of bitter herbs; never use wood alcohol or rubbing alcohol. Distilled water, vinegar or glycerol can be used to make non-alcoholic tinctures. Then add water to top up the jar and seal the lid tightly. Place the jar into a dark place and leave to steep for at least two weeks, shaking daily. When ready, strain through cheesecloth or muslin and store the solution in dark bottles or jars to prevent the sunlight affecting the strength. Tinctures will last up to two years if stored in an airtight container. Feverfew tincture may be taken in tincture form not exceeding a dose of 5-10 drops every 30 minutes at the onset of a migraine.

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      A cream is a mixture of water with fat or oils, which softens and blends with the skin. Homemade creams last for several months, longer if they are stored in the fridge or cool place. A few drops of benzoin tincture will preserve longer. Mix together 25g white beeswax, 25g water-free lanolin, 100ml sunflower oil, 25ml glycerine and 75ml water. Heat the mixture and add 50g of dried herb, stirring constantly. Strain and pour into a jar, sealing when cooled.

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      Feverfew is also available in the form of extracts, capsules, and tablets made from dried feverfew. Recommended daily dose is 50-100 mg, though up to 250 mg of feverfew can be taken without causing side effects.

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