How to Make a Pine Needle Bath Tea
Things You'll Need
- Large pot
- Water
- 1 pound of pine needles and pine cones
- Gallon jug
- Strainer
- Large bowl
How to Make a Pine Needle Bath Tea
Fill the large pot with water. Leave about five inches between the water level and the lip of the pot.
Bring the water to a rolling boil. This is when large bubbles are regularly coming to the top of the water and bursting.
Boil the pine cones and needles for half an hour. This will create a wonderful, sharp smell that pervades your kitchen and your house. You may need to lower the stove temperature slightly so that the needles do not burn and stir the pot with a wooden spoon to prevent scorching.
Strain out the needles and cones. You can catch the bath tea in a large bowl. Throw the needles and cones away outside.
Store the bath tea in the gallon jug.It must sit for 13 hours before you use it in your bath. Add one cup to your bath water, then sit and enjoy a relaxing soak of at least half an hour to relieve your sore and inflamed skin.