How to Get Rid of Natural Body Odor

Your body's natural odor can cause an embarrassing stink, especially when you're sweating or have consumed certain foods or absorbed other smells throughout the day. Some people experience excessive body odor, caused not only by sweat and diet but also by metabolic factors that make it difficult for the body to break down odor-causing minerals. Whatever your body odor level, there are tried and tested ways to get rid of the smell by tackling the problem at its source.

Things You'll Need

  • Antibacterial soap
  • Water
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Herbs
  • Deodorant or antiperspirant
  • Witch hazel or rubbing alcohol
  • Baking powder
  • Bleach and warm water
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      Shower or bathe every day with an antibacterial cream or gel cleanser, making sure to thoroughly wash your underarms, back, chest, feet and genital area, which are where people tend to sweat the most. Take an additional shower after exercising or following any other heavy physical exertion in which you sweat.

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      Wash your clothing as often as possible, preferably after each wear, in order to prevent your natural body odor from clinging and settling into the clothes. You should also change your towels and sheets weekly so that you don't absorb any unpleasant smells from them.

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      Drink plenty of water each day to flush out toxins and cut down on body odor by changing your diet: Swap red meat and foods made of refined white flour for vegetables and fruits. Some good naturally deodorizing foods include celery, mint, parsley and cilantro. Flavor your food with odor-killing herbs such as thyme, sage, rosemary and oregano.

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      Make a clean slate so that your deodorant or antiperspirant can do its job by shaving underarm air and applying this product one to two times daily. Odor-causing bacteria dwell in underarm hair, so shaving reduces the area in which they thrive. The most effective deodorants tend to include baking powder and witch hazel.

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      Apply a few drops of witch hazel or rubbing alcohol to the underarms using a cotton swab before putting on deodorant if deodorant alone doesn't prevent your natural body odor from emerging. Adding a bit of baking powder to the underarms can also help absorb odor and perspiration quickly.

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