How to Use Feverfew for Healing
Things You'll Need
- Feverfew
- Vodka
- Vinegar
- 25 g. white beeswax
- 25 g. water-free lanolin
- 100 ml grape seed oil,
- 25 ml glycerine
- 75 ml distilled water
Growing feverfew is easy and although the plant originates in Europe, it will grow in most climate zones except for where it is really cold. In these cases it can simply be grown indoors. The plant is a bushy perennial that will grow between 18 to 24 inches tall depending on the climate. It has attractive light green leaves with a pungent scent and many clusters of pretty white flowers. Feverfew favors full sunlight in well drained soil and will flower from early spring through to the first frost. Stem cuttings can be taken in early summer or a bushy plant can be divided at the roots. Flowers, leaves and stems for medicinal use should be harvested at the end of summer.
The most simple and the fastest way of getting the most out of the medicinal benefits of Feverfew is to make an herbal tea to tisane. Simply add an ounce of the fresh or dried flowers to a pint of boiling water. Allow to steep for 5 to 10 minutes then strain. It can be drunk either warm or cool and can be taken as a general tonic to boost well being or to ease anxiety or depression. If you drink half a cup twice a day, you should begin to notice the benefits within a week.
Another way to use feverfew is by making a tincture. To use this method you will need a large jar and fill it with either 300 grams of fresh chopped flowers, leaves and stems or 200 grams of the dried herb. To this, add1 liter of liquid. You have several options on how to make the steeping solution. Usually a 25 percent alcohol/ water solution is used made with vodka, which helps with preservation and also sweetens the taste. If you prefer to make a non-alcoholic tincture then you will need to replace the vodka with distilled water or vinegar. Cover the jar with a brown paper bag and leave it to steep in a cool place for 2 to 3 weeks. Feverfew tincture can be taken in a dose of 4 to 6 drops every half hour.
You can also make an organic cream from feverfew, for topical use. Mix together 25 g. of beeswax and 25 g. of water-free lanolin together with 100 ml. grape seed oil, 25 ml. of glycerine and 75 ml. of distilled water. When the blend is heated add 50 g. of dried herb and stir into the mix to obtain an even distribution. Then strain the herb and pour the cream into an airtight jar, sealing the lid once it has cooled.