How to Use Chamomile to Ease GERD
Preparing Chamomile for Relief of GERD Symptoms
Prepare an infusion for the easiest way to use chamomile to ease GERD symptoms, which simply means to brew it into a cup of chamomile tea. Brewing your dose of heartburn relief can be done with commercially prepared chamomile tea bags, or you can use dried or fresh chamomile, adding two to three teaspoons of the herb per cup of water.
Steep in hot water for at least ten minutes. f using loose chamomile, pour through a strainer to remove the solids.
Pour through a strainer to remove the solids when using loose tea bags.
Drink one cup of chamomile tea three to four times daily for maximum relief.
Make a chamomile tincture for more concentrated GERD relief. Preparing a tincture means using alcohol to extract the active ingredients from the herb. Extracting these ingredients is done in a very simple process that involves placing the herb, either 300g of fresh chamomile or 200g of dried, in a clean glass jar.
Pour a liter of alcohol, vodka or rum, over the chamomile and cap the jar. Shake the mixture to ensure all the chamomile is submerged. Store the jar in a cool, dark place for 10-14 days, shaking the mixture once daily. Straining the mixture through a cloth, muslin or linen, is the last step, keeping the liquid as your tincture and discarding the solids.
Store your tincture in a sterilized glass jar and take in 3-10ml doses three times daily for relief of GERD symptoms.