How to Use Teas to Improve Liver Functions
Buy liverpal tea to promote liver detoxifying and metabolic activity. It's been proven effective in treating hepatitis, improving digestion and purifying blood. Liverpal also addresses the digestive system, nervous system, weight and skin problem.
Drink a small cup of liverpal before each meal. For best results, drink 1 to 2 cups a day for 4 to 6 weeks.
Brew liverpal by adding cold water to 1 tsp. of the tea. Bring it to a boil for up to 5 minutes. Let it steam for another 10 to 15 minutes.
Try metabotropic tea to restore and promote your liver functions. It will also improve your metabolism and digestion. The tea helps your body produce and release digestive enzymes to restore healthy digestion.
Brew metabotropic just as you would coffee in a drip coffee maker. Brew 1 tsp. per cup. For best results, make 1 cup at a time. Add sweetener for taste if desired.
Start with one cup and pay attention to changes in your metabolism or physiological functions. You should notice changes within a few days. Continue drinking metabotropic for 25 to 40 days.