How to Use Chrysanthemums to Cure Vertigo
Know that in the fall, chrysanthemum flower heads open fully. This is when they're picked, then dried so they can be made into a powder form. It's a process that can take many days.
Purchase chrysanthemum tea. Steep a tea bag in hot water for up to 5 minutes. Remove the tea bag and add sugar or honey to taste. Drink hot or refrigerate for a cool drink.
Buy chrysanthemums in powder form. It costs about $20 for 3.5 oz. Chinese medicine calls for you to take 1/4 to 3/4 oz. per day.
Drink an herbal infusion form of chrysanthemum. It's recommended you drink 1 glass up to three times a day.
Prepare an instant chrysanthemum drink. You can buy a box for less than $5 online. All you have to do is mix the substance in hot water and drink.
Consume as much chrysanthemum tea as you'd like. As for fresh leaves, consume one to three per day.