How to Use Oats for Health
Incorporate more oats into your diet. A few ways to do this would be to substitute oats for other fillers, thicken stews and soups with oats, or add uncooked oats to salads or yogurt.
Drink oat tea regularly. Oat tea is known for its beneficial effects on the nervous and intestinal systems.
Check with a holistic food provider for medicinal oats that can be taken in capsules or tinctures.
Take oatmeal baths. They moisturize and soften the skin as well as treat skin diseases such as eczema. Baths also help activate the mild sedative properties in oats that are helpful in treating things like anxiety and insomnia.
Apply oats to the skin. Application can be through home recipes, soaps and shampoos, or other supplements that contain oats. If applied regularly, an oat poultice can provide healing to skin irritations or mild burns.