How to Improve Health With Ma Huang
Shed pounds and unwanted inches with an alternative medicine. Ma huang, a healthy diet and a regular exercise program will promote weight loss. The properties of the herbs and compounds release appetite suppressants into the system. The suppressant reduces food cravings by stimulating the metabolism.
Find ma huang in various medications. Pharmaceutical companies use ma huang as an active ingredient in medicine. The herbs in ma huang can be found in over the counter and prescription drugs.
Get relief from bronchitis. Bronchitis sufferers benefit from the medicinal properties of ma huang. Bronchitis is caused by inflammation that affects the air passages to the lungs.
Take ma huang to breathe easier. The herbs give asthma sufferers relief because some asthma medications contain ma huang. Asthma occurs when the air flow passages become narrow. The narrowing obstructs and restricts the flow of oxygen to the lungs.
Use ma huang as a natural stimulant. The herbs energy releasing properties are more potent than caffeine found in coffee or chocolate. The enhancers improve mood, decreases overall fatigue and increases alertness. Ma huang can be purchased in teas, pills or capsule form.
Increase sexual arousal and the libido by using ma huang as an alternative medicine. The compounds in ma huang have been used as an Western medicine for decades to achieve a sense of heighten sensual awareness.