How to Use Almond Oil in Natural Medicine

Almond oil is a popular oil for cooking, but also has a number of medicinal properties which make it the perfect oil for both internal and external use in herbal remedies. Light and sweet with a pleasant nutty aroma, a few tips can help you use almond oil as a natural medicine.


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      Add sweet almond oil to both fruit and vegetable salads as a healthy and nutty addition to dressings and vinaigrettes. Almond oil contains healthy fats, making it a great alternative to the fats in meat and dairy products. Adding 2 tbsps. of almond oil to your fresh salads is also the perfect natural medicine for constipation, as the oil has a gentle laxative effect.

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      Calm a cough and heal respiratory tract infections with this healing natural medicine. Add 1 tsp. of almond oil to 1 cup of fresh orange juice and drink three times a day. Orange juice and almond oil will help to eliminate mucus and remove toxins from the blood.

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      Clear clogged ears by mixing equal parts of garlic juice, almond oil and glycerin. Administer the solution like ear drops twice a day until the condition clears.

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      Use almond oil as a moisturizer or massage oil to help prevent wrinkles, promote elasticity, lessen problem pimples and blackheads and treat skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Almond oil can even be used to help soothe burns and prevent infection of cuts, scrapes and other injuries.

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      Add a few drops of almond oil to your shampoo and/or conditioner to help combat dandruff, itchy scalp and dry, frizzy hair. Almond oil will help to smooth problem hair and add brilliance and shine to dull hair.

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