How to Treat Hysteria With Natural Medicine
Things You'll Need
- Jambul fruit
- Salt
- Gallon jar
- Raw honey
- Bottle gourd
- Fresh lettuce
- Indian gooseberry (amla) juice
Make juice from the jambul fruit, a common natural medicine used in the treatment of hysteria. To make juice, place 1.5 lbs. of fruit and 1 cup of salt in a gallon jar and fill the jar to the top with water. Place the jar in the sun for one week after which you should eat 10 oz. of the fruit on an empty stomach followed by one cup of juice. Continue this treatment for two weeks.
Take at least 1 tbsp. of natural raw honey each day to treat hysteria. Honey is useful in the treatment of hysteria as it helps combat two major causes of hysteria; irregular menstrual cycles and mental instability. Honey is thought to increase brain function, promote regular bleeding, clean the uterus and regulate body temperature.
Use bottle gourd externally to treat hysteria, a natural medicine that has been used for centuries to treat a number of ailments. Mash the pulp of the gourd into a paste and apply a light layer to your forehead when you sense the onset of a panic attack or hysterical outburst.
Combine one cup of fresh lettuce juice and 1 tsp. of Indian gooseberry (amla) juice and drink every morning for one month. Rigid leaf lettuce, such as romaine and arugula is better than head lettuce, such as iceberg and butterhead.
Get regular gentle exercise and body work to help relieve stress and regulate body functions. Activities which are especially helpful in the treatment of hysteria include yoga, tai chi, pilates, walking, swimming, massage and acupuncture.
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