How to Use Herbs for Sprains and Bruises
But now, I feel so much better. Sure, I iced it as soon as it happened. But the real difference started to happen when I brought herbs into the picture.
Things You'll Need
- Arnica (gel and homeopathic drops)
- Stinging Nettle
- Oatstraw
- Ginger
- Comfrey Ointment
Track down some arnica gel and homeopathic drops. Apply the gel topically to the bruise or sprain (as long as the skin isn't broken). Never buy the herb and make it into a tea to drink--this could be dangerous. Instead, purchase the homeopathic remedy to take internally and follow the instructions on the package.
Stinging nettle and oatstraw are both great herbs to help promote healing within the connective tissue because of all the minerals. When I have an injury I tend to crave both of these, or just one of them, depending on the situation. For this injury I'm really gravitating towards stingle nettle.
Ginger is one of those herbs that can be used for pain because it's an anti-inflammatory agent. Your best bet is to use the fresh root. Just cut off a one-inch piece, peel it and smash it with the back of a glass. Put it in a mug and pour water over it. Let it steep for around 10 minutes and enjoy. Sweeten it with honey, if desired. You can also cook with it--it has the same effect.
Comfrey ointment is another good thing to try. I wouldn't take comfrey internally because there's a controversy surrounding it. And you need to be careful of the source. If you buy the ointment from a reputable supplier, you should be all set. Look in the health food store or your local herbal shop. Apply it to the skin where the injury is, at least twice a day.