How to Use Herbs After You've Overindulged
But, I've learned that herbs can help bring your body back in balance. When we eat food that is calorie dense and nutrient poor, such as desserts, junk food and high calorie meals, we don't get the nutrients we need and we could put on extra weight.
Luckily, I have a routine that can really help minimize the damage from eating this way. Drinking plenty of herbal tea, taking a multi-vitamin, and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables the next day can more than make up for it.
The following are the best herbs to take the day after a heavy meal.
Things You'll Need
- Ginger (fresh root)
- Green tea
- Milk Thistle capsules
- Chamomile tea
- Peppermint tea
Ginger is one of those herbs that helps aid the digestion. So, if you wake up the next day feeling nauseous, or if you have an upset stomach, ginger is a good bet. You can use dried ginger, but the fresh root is best. Just peel the root and crush it with the back of a glass.
Place the crushed root in a mug and pour the water directly over it. You can sweeten it with honey if you want.
Green tea can actually help your body burn more calories than usual. It is a good idea to sip green tea throughout the day. Three cups of green tea helps you burn an additional 90 calories. Just follow the package instructions for brewing the tea. Try not to sweeten it, though, because most sweeteners have too many calories and that will defeat the purpose.
Milk thistle is an excellent herb to take because it helps the liver. A meal that is high in fat and a day of heavy drinking can both put a strain on your liver. Milk thistle can aid the liver and help repair the damage. The best way to take milk thistle is in capsule form. Just follow the package instructions.
Chamomile helps with stomach problems and aids the digestion. It has a mild bitter action, which can stimulate the digestive juices and help your body process the food you've been eating. It is also calming on an upset stomach and can help with any stomach aches.
Peppermint is another herb that is great for the digestion, especially if there is a lot of flatulence. Peppermint also works for general digestive distress. My favorite way to prepare it is to use peppermint tea bags (following the package instructions) and crushing some fresh mint leaves and placing them directly in the water as a garnish.