How to Use Sulphur to Treat Medical Conditions
Know that sulphur (a.k.a. brimstone) has been used for thousands of years to cure skin ailments. Find that ancient cultures relied on sulphur to treat a variety of illnesses as well as to make dyes and other useful products. Use sulphur to treat medical conditions today, such as extreme itching and skin pain.
Treat conditions of the skin, such as candidiasis, eczema and diaper rash with sulphur. Use sulphur to treat medical conditions that are related to digestion: indigestion, vomiting and diarrhea. Remedy related disorders, including redness or itching surrounding the anus, painful hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
Discover how sulphur soothes premenstrual syndrome or PMS. Use sulphur to treat medical conditions, such as irritability, anxiety, headaches, back pain, insomnia, dizziness, sweating and hot flashes or flushing, caused by PMS and other intense hormone related changes.
Fight brain fog and other disorders related to the mind and body connection, such as stress, depression, forgetfulness, indecision, nightmares, low energy and migraines. Realize sulphur is even used to fight common cold and flu symptoms like fever, sneezing and coughing.
Keep in mind that although sulphur is typically found in hot springs and craters near volcanoes, you can easily obtain the mineral from health food and vitamin stores, such as, online or at a local all-natural market like Whole Foods. Purchase sulphur tablets often for under $10 per bottle.
Restore balance to your immune system and bring peace and harmony to related systems, such as the urinary and respiratory systems. Rectify skin, stomach and rectum disorders; stabilize hormones and mood.