How to Use Ribose to Increase Energy
Stir 5 g of ribose into your favorite fruit juice. This small amount of ribose will give you a short-term energy burst about equal to the energy you receive from a cup of coffee.
Mix 5 g of ribose into your favorite fruit juice, three times a day, to help relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. After three to six weeks, you should cut back to twice a day.
Swallow ribose capsules instead of using the powder. If you dislike the sweeter taste that results when you add ribose to your juice, it is also available in capsules you can swallow. The typical dosage depends on the brand of ribose you buy and is included in the package information.
Dissolve 5 to 20 g of ribose in your exercise drink to use before, during or after your regular workout. This will speed your body's recovery while building more muscle mass.