How to Use Buchu for Health
Things You'll Need
- Dried buchu leaves
- Water
- Strainer
Combine 2 tsp. of dried buchu leaves and 18 oz. boiling water. Steep the leaves for 10 minutes and then strain the tea and drink. Repeat three times a day when ill. Drink once a day to maintain general health.
Increase urination. Buchu is a mild diuretic. Take it to reduce high blood pressure associated with excess fluid and relieve menstrual bloating. Realize improved health within a day.
Battle infections of the excretory system. Buchu kills the bacteria and flushes them out by promoting urination. Take buchu to restore health of the urinary tract, bladder, kidney and prostate.
Regulate blood sugar. Drink a cup of buchu tea to prevent blood sugar from dropping rapidly. Remain mindful of the initial signs of low blood sugar which include feeling warm and shaking.
Calm digestion. Buchu reduces gas often produced in the stomach and intestine while eating. Drink buchu tea during or following a meal to improve digestive health and eliminate flatulence and belching.
Mobilize joints. Buchu reduces the inflammation, tightness and swelling associated with arthritis. One cup of buchu tea upon waking will eliminate morning stiffness. Drink one or two addiitonal cups as the day progresses when needed.