How to Use St. John's Wort to Treat Burns
Use St. John's Wort to Treat a Burn
Make sure that the burn doesn't require medical attention. Typically, if a burn is merely red without large blisters, it's considered a first-degree burn that doesn't need professional medical care. However, if the burn is accompanied by extreme pain that isn't easing, seek medical help.
Clean the burn carefully with a clean cloth dipped in an infusion of St. John's Wort. You can make an infusion by steeping a handful of dried herbs in a cup of hot water, like a tea and then letting it cool.
Treat the burn with a compress of St. John's Wort oil. Press the compress gently on the burned area to allow the oil to permeate the skin. The oil has antiseptic properties that can help your skin heal and reduce the pain.
Apply a salve made with St. John's Wort for the next couple of days to help reduce scarring as the burn heals. A salve has the advantage of staying on the skin without requiring a bandage, allowing your burn to be exposed to the open air.
Make an Infused Oil of St. John's Wort
Use the flowers of the St. John's Wort plant.
Pour olive oil over the flowers and let them sit in a sunny place for up to a month, or until the oil turns dark red.
Filter out the plant parts and place the oil in a clean container.
Make a St. John's Wort Salve
Pulverize the flowers of the St. John's Wort plant and boil them for 20 minutes. Let the mixture cool.
Add 1/2 cup of oil per 2 tbsp. of the herb. Corn, olive and safflower oil are recommended.
Heat the mixture for approximately 25 minutes or until the water evaporates.
Add beeswax or lard to create a lotion-like consistency.
Allow the mixture to cool and keep it on hand to use for up to 1 year.
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