How to Use St. John's Wort to Treat Sleep Disturbances
Things You'll Need
- 300 mg. capsules of St. John's Wort
Identify the type of sleep disturbances you are experiencing. While St. John's Wort has been shown to improve the overall quality of sleep, it isn't a sleep-inducing agent. It is unlikely help you sleep for longer stretches during the night.
Talk to your doctor about your sleep issues and your desire to treat them with homeopathic remedies. He may be able to recommend a holistic physician who can help you come up with a full treatment plan, including the use of St. John's Wort.
Ensure that St. John's Wort will not interfere with the action of any other medications you may be taking. The herb can interfere with the absorption rate or efficacy of some medications. Your pharmacist, doctor or holistic practitioner can help you determine if you are at risk.
Visit your local health-food store to look at the different varieties of St. John's Wort available to you. The herb is prepared in many different ways, but to see the best results for sleep disturbances, it is recommended that you take it in capsule form.
Look for a standardized product that contains 3-percent hypericin--the active ingredient of St. John's Wort--per 300 mg. Most standardized products will be identified as such on the label. The bottle may say that the product has been processed to ensure the same amount of active ingredient in every dose, which means it must be standardized.
Take 300 mg. of St. John's Wort 3 times a day to treat your sleep disturbances. Since the herb has antidepressant properties, you will probably notice an overall increase in mental well being in addition to an improvement in sleep quality.
Be patient. As with any other treatment, it may take some time to see the full effects of St. John's Wort. Once it builds up in your system, which may take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, you should feel the benefits.
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