How to Use Chamomile to Treat Mouth Ulcers
Chamomile is a flowering plant that's native to many countries across Europe. In addition to its natural beauty and rich fragrance, chamomile petals have been used in a variety of folk remedies for thousands of years, treating everything from burns and skin inflammations to insomnia. Mouth ulcers are also one of the ailments you can treat with chamomile.Things You'll Need
- Brandy or Vodka
- Liquid thyme extract
- Liquid Chamomile extract
- Liquid fennel extract
- Grapefruit juice
- Bottle that can be sealed
- Lemon juice
- Honey
- Sugar
- Strainer
- Red sage leaves (optional)
- Myrrh (optional)
- Mint (optional)
Use a Chamomile Mouthwash
Mix several drops of liquid Chamomile extract with 6 tbsp. of vodka or brandy in a bottle that can be sealed tightly. Pick a vodka or brandy with a high proof marked on the label.
Add 10 drops of fennel extract and 10 drops of grapefruit juice.
Use 2 drops of liquid thyme extract.
Seal the bottle and shake well for several minutes. Check to make sure all the ingredients have mixed thoroughly.
Microwave a glass of water until it's warm. It should be at a comfortable temperature to drink.
Mix 2 tsp. of your herbal extract mixture with the warm water. Stir well.
Gargle the mixture for several minutes and spit.
Rinse your mouth with water.
Repeat the process as necessary throughout the day to relieve ulcer discomfort.
Treat Mouth Ulcers With Chamomile Tea
Boil 1 cup of water.
Add 1 tsp. of chamomile flower petals. Make sure they've been dried beforehand. You can do this yourself or purchase chamomile flowers that have already been dried.
Reduce heat to a simmer and cover.
Boil the chamomile flowers for 45 seconds. Remove from the stove and allow the mixture to cool for 1 minute.
Strain chamomile flowers from the water.
Add lemon juice, honey or sugar to sweeten your tea.
Gargle a mouthful of your tea for several minutes. Allow the chamomile tea to come into direct contact with your ulcers.
Spit the tea and repeat the process as needed. You can also use the tea as a drink to enjoy its other healing qualities, though drinking the tea won't treat your mouth ulcers directly.